ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.28.3 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 3 10:27:29 GMT 2004

Hi folks!

The "fastest code factory in the West" has been running full tilt this
morning :-)

I have managed to rewrite a lot of the code that handles password-protected
zip files.

The logging, quarantining and notifications should work rather better now.
I have hopefully fixed the other outstanding bugs in this area too.

There is a new option keyword for the Silent Viruses list: "Zip-Password"
which causes password-protected zip files to be treated "silently". I
suggest you add it to your list. If "Warn Senders of Viruses" is off, then
it also shouldn't send warnings about password-protected zip files, as they
are more likely to be viruses than anything else, so I have treated them
that way.

Download as usual from

Please report any problems!

Boy, do I need a holiday...   ;-)
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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