ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.28.2 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 3 10:10:41 GMT 2004

At 09:22 03/03/2004, you wrote:
>Kevin Spicer wrote:
>>When the message contains an encrypted zip the recipient gets a warning,
>>but neither sender nor postmaster get alerted.  (Not Okay).
>Also the message doesn't seem to be quarantined, although the recipient
>gets a message which says it is quarantined.

Try 4.28.3 :-)

I have had a good few hours (relatively) uninterrupted work this morning,
which has given me a chance to rewrite a fair chunk of the zip-file
handling code. Should work rather better now.
Read the docs about the Zip-Password keyword in Silent Viruses.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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