bagle-i worm

Martin Hepworth martinh at SOLID-STATE-LOGIC.COM
Tue Mar 2 17:38:43 GMT 2004

Won't help

ClamAV does spot this stuff though..

Also Julian's latest 4.28.2-2 doesn't catch it either (even though it
should!). I guess he's got real work on at the moment, or scratching his
head as to why it didn't work :-)

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

Marco Obaid wrote:
> The worm DOES provide the user with the password :)
> Some of our users, as little techie as they are, managed to extract and
> execute the zip file ...
> Sophos, in my case, has been able to intercept Bagel A through F. For some
> reason, it failed to do so for the Bagle.I. I am upgrading Sophos to the March
> relesse and will Upgrade MS to latest-stable. Then I will test if Bagle.I will
> make it through this time before I re-allow zip attachments on my site.
> Quoting Stephen Conway <sconway at WLNET.COM>:
>>Good day:
>>Correct me if I am wrong, but if the zip is password protected, how would
>>the end user open it w/o a password?  So should I be worried if some get
>>through?  We have clients with slow Satellite connections, so it is
>>difficult for them to upgrade their virus defs, so we are there only line of
>>defense.  Is there a way for Sophos to scan password protected zip files?


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