Clam-AV/MailScanner Configuration

David Nalley davidnalley at BRYANRAMEY.COM
Tue Mar 2 15:46:07 GMT 2004

I seem to  be having a problem with my current configuration. I have a
relatively large percentage of virus laden emails which get past ClamAV
but are trapped by SA as spam. Running clamscan on the quarantined spam
clearly reveals them. I figure I must have something incorrectly
configured. While I have worked through the documentation, the only
thing that immediately jumps to mind is the following section from
Btw, I am using MS 4.25, ClamAV 0.65, and SA 2.63 

Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan = 100000000
Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan = 50000000
Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 0
Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30 

Thanks in advance,

David Nalley

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