Justification for mailscanner.

Pete pete at eatathome.com.au
Tue Mar 2 11:35:29 GMT 2004

Pete wrote:

> Hasnt some one already given the answer? MailScanner the product is
> almost no cost (shouldnt use the word free), but the developer HIMSELF
> offers a PRO support package - what else do you want? A Developer/Author
> of the product givin you direct support?
> Why not use this type of argument to actualy get your company to spen
> what i assume is going to be a small slice of the budget on MaiLScanner
> commercial support version?
> There really is nothing they can complain about this way?
> .
I was going to ask some of you who have to face the poriginal posters
situation of trying to convince the purse strings not to part with money
(this probably makes them suss to start with) and go for a no cost
solution but requiring more effort - what sort of comments have you had
from your IT managers?

Mine proudly announced in a meeting last month that Linux will finally
'arrive' as a serious server solution this year, while looking at me
expecting some accompanying comments, and me looking at him like he has
just walked down the gangway from his recently landed space ship...only
recently with so much published material in so many publications has he
ben unable to keep to his original arguments for BANNING linux at work,
like its insecure, immature, un supported etc etc, this guy still
enforces the use of an NT4 network and users having 3 or 4 user accounts
for service running on the domain, "we dont need directory services" he
says...anyway, we work for a Ludite, so its interesting to hear what
others are up against while trying to implement awesome products like

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