ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.28.1 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Mar 1 17:03:43 GMT 2004

At 16:59 01/03/2004, you wrote:
>    Is there any syslog evidence of the "Maximum Zip Archive Depth"
>that we can look for?  I've got 4.28.1 running on my system just
>fine, wondering what to look for...

No sorry, it just gets written as a report in the message. No syslog-ing yet.

To do this properly, I need to re-architect a chunk of MailScanner so that
each attachment file has a proper "parent file". I've never implemented
this properly before, as it wasn't needed. For now the current version you
have will have to do, it's going to take me a little while to have the time
to write it all "properly" as it affects all the TNEF-handling code as well.

As for the separate filename.rules.conf and filetype.rules.conf for inside
archives as well as one for outside archives, I think a lot of less
experienced admins will get confused about this. I would rather solve it in
a way that is rather easier to understand and use, or not solve it at all.
You need to remember that a lot of MailScanner admins are not very
experienced. One of the reasons they chose MailScanner over the competition
was that it was easy to use and get going.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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