bug processing zip file with errors

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Wed Jun 30 20:25:36 IST 2004

El 30 Jun 2004 a las 12:45, Fred Broughton escribió:

> Stuck in the Incoming Queue Dir.
> -rw-------    1 root     smmsp     6689347 Jun 30 10:17 dfi5UFHJPq025431
> -rw-------    1 root     smmsp         881 Jun 30 10:17 qfi5UFHJPq025431
> Each time I restart MailScanner I lose one process
> root     28625 28616  0 12:30 ?        00:00:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
> mv the files and restart and every process starts up fine.
Yup... that's the MailScanner child that was processing those queue files...

My procedure (now that happened twice in the wild and then could repeat it in 
the lab) is as follows...

I'm running MailScanner under DJB's supervise so I get stderr logged, there I 
see the complete path of the offending file as MS tries to process it (see 
http://baby.com.ar/MailScanner/err_zip/supervise_times.log ).

In the example log this is: 

So I know that the queue file is '145119' and the MailScanner process 
affected has PID 3472.

I look for the '145119' file in the inqueue, move it away and then I only 
kill the affected process (kill 3472).

The MailScanner parent reaps this process and promptly spawns a new child... 
everything else just keeps working alright.


Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature.
                  -- T. John Wendel

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