What's in a name? - "spam" / "not spam"

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Wed Jun 30 16:10:10 IST 2004

El 30 Jun 2004 a las 11:00, Mike Brudenell escribió:

> But choosing words that satisfy this whilst still being clear to users is
> proving trickier than I'd at first thought.  Possibilities I've toyed with
> so far are:
>     spam                not spam
>     ----                --------
>     *spam*              not spam        (wildcards + problems if *s omitted)
>     spammy              not spam        (too colloquial?)
>     probable spam       not spam        (doesn't fit high-scoring spam well)
>     spam                genuine         (implies approval of leak-thru spam)
>     spam                legitimate      (ditto)
>     spam                pukka           (do most staff/students know pukka?)

I use 'ham', but 'legit' seems more professional...

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
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[ $(($RANDOM%6)) -eq 0 ] && rm -rf ~

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