mail routing performance issues, backing up in /var/spool/mqueue

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Wed Jun 30 00:54:19 IST 2004

>>Could you show us some of your logs?

 > Here is a portion of the log:
 > Jun 28 11:00:19 localhost MailScanner[11462]: New
 > Batch: Found 1497 messages waiting
 > Jun 28 11:00:19 localhost MailScanner[11462]: New
 > Batch: Scanning 30 messages, 253375 bytes

You've got ~1500 messages waitinig in this is not exactly
what I call a normal situation;  How many processes are you using in
your config?

What is the hardware of this server?

What is the output of

ls -l /var/spool/ | wc -l


(that will give us the number of tiles in your incoming queue)

>>And what do you have when you do
> Here is a portion of mailq, my MS server is a relay
> server to
> i5TL16RX022657      303 Tue Jun 29 16:01
> <mlegare at>
> <aturner at>
> i5TL1TRX022803      868 Tue Jun 29 16:01
> <dfield1 at>

I don't see anything special here, but would you be bouncing spam, by
any chance?

I think the problem is more an overall problem than just an outgoing
sendmail problem...

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