bug when invoking $message->Explode()

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Mon Jun 28 21:16:09 IST 2004

El 28 Jun 2004 a las 19:18, Raymond Dijkxhoorn escribió:

> What about limitting smtp message sizes to for example 10MB max per
> message? Its really insain to not limit anything. I can send a 2TB message
> and blow out your mailserver ? :)
Yeah, but... on the one hand I've had those stupid requests to 'allow 
anything no matter what', OTOH, what worries me is that it doesn't seem to 
have blown because of size, but because of not handling right some kind of 
error within Archive::Zip...

Thanx Raymond.

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
e-business, e-commerce, e-government, e-procurement, e-nough !!!

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