Mailscanner eating my resources. I just can't fix it. Help!

Robert Borkowski robert at TIMARU.COM
Sun Jun 27 23:36:32 IST 2004

Hello all!

I've been really trying to solve it myself, but I'm really running out of

This is ps output? Any ideas why this happens?

11765  ?  S     0:00 perl
I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib /usr/local/mailscanner/bi
16266  ?  S     0:03 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
16319  ?  S     0:04 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
16366  ?  S     0:01 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
16397  ?  S     0:04 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
16958  ?  R    74:09 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
18337  ?  R    51:12 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
19014  ?  R    46:23 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
20048  ?  S     0:07 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
20051  ?  R    39:43 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
22102  ?  R    30:21 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib

If I'll terminate those continuously running processes, all is back to
normal,otherwise my incoming queue is growing and waiting to be process by
MailScanner/SpamAssassin. If everything is running normally, my CPU usage
is 5%. Otherwise, it's up to 97-99%. This happens very randomly, sometimes
all is fine for an hour and then I still one of perl processes are running
continuously and the time is growing. System load is +1 then. After a
while another process will do the same and so on.

I haven't done any changes to the configuration files. All was working and
suddenly MailScanner + SpamAssassin started to play.

Here is a message in MailScanner working directory.

root@******:/var/spool/mailscanner/incoming/19673# cat *
Return-Path: <üg>
Received: from ( [])
        by ******** (8.12.10/8.12.9) with ESMTP id i5O7lStd022171
        for <***********>; Thu, 24 Jun 2004 19:47:43 +1200
Received: from []
 ( [])
 by (CLEAR Net Mail)
 with ESMTP id <0HZS003DNYZQFL at> for ***********; Thu,
 24 Jun 2004 19:47:52 +1200 (NZST)
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:29:37 +1300
From: *************** <**************>
Subject: Surviverr??
To: *************8 <************8>
Message-id: <0HZS003DOYZQFL at>
MIME-version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 4.5 (0410)
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3

Here is process 22219 which created that directory above - notice the time
10:05. (If I will do cat /var/log/mail | grep 22219 I don't see that the
process has actually started)

root@******:/var/spool/mailscanner/incoming/19673# ps | grep mails
13517  ?  S     0:00 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
19644  ?  S     0:04 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
19673  ?  S     0:03 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
19689  ?  S     0:05 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
22165  ?  S     0:01 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
22182  ?  S     0:01 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib
22219  ?  R    10:05 perl -I/usr/local/mailscanner/lib

Now, I do -
root@*****:/var/spool/mailscanner/incoming/19673# kill -TERM 22219
root@*****:/var/spool/mailscanner/incoming# cat /var/log/mail | grep

Jun 24 19:47:43 ********* sendmail[22171]: i5O7lStd022171:
from=<*********************>, size=1865, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<0HZS003DOYZQFL at>,proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, []
Jun 24 19:59:30 ********* sendmail[23164]: i5O7lStd022171:
to=<****************>, delay=00:11:47, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local,
pri=121865, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

And the message is sent.

Thanks for your help.

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