OT: Sendmail Log Search Engine

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA
Wed Jun 23 16:41:23 IST 2004

Rose, Bobby wrote:

>I'm curious if anyone knows of a pseudo sendmail log search engine type
>app.  There are lots of log analyzers but what I'm looking for is a
>better way to search the logs for particular messages.  Currently, it's
>a case of grepping for the sender, getting the message ID's and grepping
>each one until I found the one I'm looking for to see all the log
>entries for that message ID.  It would be easier and quicker with a gui
>where you enter the address, get a list of hyper-linked messages Ids
>that when clicked give the details.
>I don't have a problem continuing to use grep techniques but it would be
>nice if I could just dump this task off to our helpdesk people.
>So anyone seen something like this out there?

I wrote the following (pretty ugly) script that does the grepping for 
you.  It uses the following Perl modules:

$ ./search-maillog -h
    search-maillog [--maillog /path/to/maillog] [--debug] pattern1 ...
    search-maillog [--help]

    --maillog /path/to/maillog
        Use this maillog file instead of the active one.

        Print debug messages while searching.

        show usage information


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x2252 F: 819.821.8045

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-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# File: search-maillog
# By:   Denis Beauchemin, STI
# Date: 2003-10-28
# $Id: search-maillog,v 1.1 2003/11/27 18:52:06 bead2306 Exp $
# $Log: search-maillog,v $
# Revision 1.1  2003/11/27 18:52:06  bead2306
# Added search-log
# Revision 1.2  2003/11/21 20:33:43  root
# Version initiale pour linback
# This program used to read the maillog file by itself but performance
# was abysmal!!!
# It now leaves the searching to experts: e?grep

=head1 NAME

search-maillog - searches the maillog file for patterns


B<search-maillog> [B<--maillog /path/to/maillog>] [B<--debug>] B<pattern1 ... >
B<search-maillog> [B<--help>]


B<search-maillog> searches the maillog for the patterns listed on the command
line; it returns all matching lines and all related lines (all lines with the
same sendmail ID).

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--maillog /path/to/maillog>

Use this maillog file instead of the active one.

=item B<--debug>

Print debug messages while searching.

=item B<--help>

show usage information


=over 4

=item Cannot open maillog

(E) Error while reading from a pipe from the grep command


=head1 AUTHOR

Denis Beauchemin, STI



use Getopt::Long;

my( $optDebug, $optMaillog, $optHelp ) = ( 0, "/var/log/maillog", 0 );

    GetOptions( 'debug' =>     \$optDebug,
                'maillog=s' => \$optMaillog,
                'help' =>      \$optHelp,

    if ( $optHelp ) {
        use Pod::Usage;

        pod2usage( {
            -exitval => 0,
            -verbose => 1,
        } );

    # Sanitize environment
    $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
    $ENV{BASH_ENV} = "";

    my @matched = ();
    my $searchPattern = join '|', @ARGV;
    # Use grep to find matching lines
    open MAILLOG, "egrep -i \" sendmail.*?($searchPattern)\" $optMaillog |" or die "Cannot open a pipe from grep in $optMaillog";
    while ( my $logLine = <MAILLOG> ) {
        ( my $sendmailID = $logLine ) =~ s/^.*sendmail\[\d+\]: (\w+): .*$/$1/;
        unless ( grep /$sendmailID/, @matched ) {
            chomp( $sendmailID );
            push @matched, $sendmailID;
            print "Found <$sendmailID>\n" if ( $optDebug );
    close MAILLOG;

    # Now build the new search pattern with sendmail IDs
    $searchPattern = join '|', @matched;
    if ( $optDebug ) {
        print "=== Found: $searchPattern\n";

    exit if ( $searchPattern eq "" );

    # Call egrep for final search
    system( "egrep \"$searchPattern\" $optMaillog " );

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