zombie processes

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Sun Jun 20 12:50:58 IST 2004

On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 09:00 pm, Julian Field wrote:
> I am fully aware that a zombie or two will appear to hang around, but
> will in fact be continuously replaced by another one as they are cleaned
> up. Doing it this way makes the code run faster, so I have no intention
> of changing it. The zombies are totally harmless and are actually only
> very short-lived, as you have seen. There is not 1 permanent zombie
> (which I would consider to be a bug).

Fair enough.  I just wanted to clarify the behaviour was normal.  Like I
said, all messages are being processed and there is only ever 1 "zombie"
per child.  The aren't chewing up any resources and only hang around until
another batch is scanned.  No big deal - sorry for wasting your time on a
wild goose chase :)


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