Mailscanner marking DOS Attack on 2 different servers

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Jun 18 15:23:34 IST 2004

Somebody else saw this and in their case it turned out to be their virus
scanner not returning due to having screwed its virus definitions.
Try running your virus scanner by hand and see what happens.

At 14:57 18/06/2004, you wrote:
>I have two different servers that just started developing problems with
>mailscanner marking all inbound and outbound email a denial of service
>I've been searching the archives trying to figure out what could be wrong,
>but can't really find anything. It seems that maybe it's caused by a timeout
>on dns, but nothing has changed on these two servers in many weeks.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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