How to stop autoresponse messages

Daniel Gercke gercke at HNM.DE
Thu Jun 17 10:55:29 IST 2004


all of you knowing german spam messages generated by sobig.
Now we blocked theses Mails. But now we recieving tons of mails that
have sobig spam in attachment and are Returned mails were recipients 
dosn´t exist.

How to stop them and let other Returned Mails throught?

Daniel Gercke

programmierung . system managements

haus neuer medien GmbH . agentur fuer neuen antrieb
Tel 03834 8313 0 . Fax 8313 13 . info at .
Wolgaster Strasse 146  (Ollmannsche Villa) . 17489 Greifswald
AG Stralsund HRB 5089 . Geschaeftsfuehrer Daniel Scheibner
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