spam getting through

Joe Stuart jstuart at EDENPR.K12.MN.US
Wed Jun 16 14:49:13 IST 2004

>>> ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM 06/16/04 08:14AM >>>
Joe Stuart wrote:
>> I've noticed in the last 6 weeks or so about 70% of spam has been
>> getting tagged which is significantly down from before the past.
>>anyone else noticed more spam getting through over time? I'm running
>> latest stable versions of spamassassin and mailscanner.

>Are you using any special rules?  they are updated a lot more often

I'm just running a standard install with razor also which has seemed to
help.  Looks like I'm going to have to start keeping up on the
modification of the rulesets. Thanks for your help

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