OT: Re: Can spammer 'force' a timeout ?

Martin Hepworth martinh at SOLID-STATE-LOGIC.COM
Tue Jun 15 10:25:57 IST 2004


I presume you've compiled and installed the patch????

Martin Hepworth
Snr Systems Administrator
Solid State Logic
Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300

Daniel Gercke wrote:
> I´ve try to get it run serveral hours... Nothing. Everytime i get an 
> error when i lint the rules. Here is the error:
> Failed to compile URI SpamAssassin tests, skipping:     0.48491
> (syntax error at /etc/mail/spamassassin/spamcop_uri.cf, rule 
> SPAMCOP_URI_RBL, line 1, near "eval:"   0.00023
> syntax error at /etc/mail/spamassassin/spamcop_uri.cf, rule BE_URI_RBL, 
> line 1, near "eval:"    0.00022
> )
> and here the Rule:
> uri       SPAMCOP_URI_RBL 
> eval:check_spamcop_uri_rbl('sc.surbl.org','')
> describe  BE_URI_RBL  URI's domain appears in spamcop database at 
> sc.surbl.org
> tflags    BE_URI_RBL  net
> score     BE_URI_RBL  3.0
> uri       BE_URI_RBL eval:check_spamcop_uri_rbl('be.surbl.org','')
> describe  BE_URI_RBL  URI's domain appears in BigEvil
> tflags    BE_URI_RBL  net
> score     BE_URI_RBL  3.0
> anyone seen before? any idea?
> Daniel Gercke
> programmierung . system managements
> Martin Hepworth schrieb:
>> Marcal
>> the bigevil rule set is really nasty on CPU. I'd change it to use the
>> www.surbl.org varient instead (see web site for how-to).
>> -- 
>> Martin Hepworth
>> Snr Systems Administrator
>> Solid State Logic
>> Tel: +44 (0)1865 842300
>> Marcel Burggraeve wrote:
>>> Since a couple of weeks a lot of spam keeps getting through and when I
>>> examine them most of them have the following in the headers :
>>> X-Plusine-MailScanner-SpamCheck: not spam, SpamAssassin (timed out)
>>> I'm not using RBL checklists, our mailscanner is not really busy and 
>>> lots of
>>> them come in during the night when the system is almost doing nothing.
>>> We're running HP-UX 11.i, the latest mailscanner, latest spamassassin 
>>> and
>>> I'm using big evil and a medicine rule from the rulesemporium.
>>> Could there be some kind of trick to force spamassassin into a timed out
>>> situation ?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcel Burggraeve
>>> Plusine
>>> The Netherlands
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> -- 
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