Creating blacklist to drop mail

Howard Yuan Howard.Yuan at VALENCE.COM
Fri Jun 11 16:40:52 IST 2004

>>> ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM 06.10.04 16:59:52 >>>
Howard Yuan wrote:
> I'm trying to create a ruleset that will drop any email going to a
> certain individual(s). I created the blacklist like the whitelist, so
> reads something like:
> To:     blah at     yes
> The problem I'm having is I don't know where to put the ruleset into.
> tried the Spam Domain Blacklist and the Spam List, but it did not
> I looked at the logs and it look like it never even try to look at
> blacklist, it just did its thing that it always normally did. Any
> or am I going about this the wrong way? I searched MS' website but
> everything I found on blacklisting is having it put in on the Is
> Definitely Spam. But I don't want to always tag it spam, I just want
> server to drop the email (and not to bounce the email back). Any
> suggestions? Thanx in advance~!

Won't just putting my blacklist in "Is Definitely Spam" just
permanently tag it as spam? I want the server to drop mail from certain
people, but not all spam. Otherwise, I could use that and then set it to
drop all spams. Any other options?

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