Ram eat up

Shahid Hussain shahid at ZONEWAVE.NET
Wed Jun 9 20:52:12 IST 2004

> > As you can see its "5.1" Mem but my mail server is not busy
> > at all, I only
> > get about 1 or 2 emails everyday on this server.
> You have to look at all the children to see the reduction in Memory usage.

Like i said before I set childrens to 4 in MailScanner.conf.  Yes I did
check all the mailscanner process, it still using 5.1 MEM and even  "Spam
Checks = no", take a look below:

mail   52256  0.0  5.1 27784 26576  ??  S     8:10PM   0:00.71
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/MailScanner /usr/local/libexec
mail   52291  0.0  5.1 27784 26576  ??  S     8:11PM   0:00.71
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/MailScanner /usr/local/libexec
mail   52292  0.0  5.1 27784 26572  ??  S     8:11PM   0:00.71
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/MailScanner /usr/local/libexec
mail   52294  0.0  5.1 27784 26572  ??  S     8:11PM   0:00.73
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib/MailScanner /usr/local/libexec

> If you only get 1 or 2 emails a day reduce the max number of children to
> If you're concerned about MailScanner using all of your memory and you
> get 1 or 2 email a day, why are you using it?

There is no point reducing max number of children to 1.  That is because I
have no clients/users using my server at the moment - it will web hosting
server soon and of course it will get a lot of emails soon when I have new
clients. What other possible reason using alot of mem?

I have shell accout on another server (not my server), when i checked the
mailnull  5074  0.0  0.8 11836 8364 ?        S    19:22   0:02
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/mailscanner/lib /usr/mailscanne
mailnull  5096  0.0  0.8 11676 8468 ?        S    19:23   0:02
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/mailscanner/lib /usr/mailscanne
mailnull  5876  0.0  0.7 11504 7696 ?        S    19:32   0:02
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/mailscanner/lib /usr/mailscanne
mailnull  6083  0.0  0.7 11560 7980 ?        S    19:35   0:02
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/mailscanner/lib /usr/mailscanne
mailnull  6226  0.0  0.7 11492 7880 ?        S    19:37   0:01
/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/mailscanner/lib /usr/mailscanne

As you can see it is not using alot of mem? even though it is quite busy


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