Full quotes / curtesy

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Tue Jun 8 09:00:53 IST 2004

Hi guys/girls,

I am most probably making an ass of myself with this mail. If so: Ignore

I am seeing more and more full quotes here. Even some of the most
valuable contributors of the list (like our king Julian I. himself *g*)
have the tendency to simply hit reply to an awfully long message, write
one or two sentences and hit send. I know this is simple and I know many
people do not care.

However I find it very difficult to follow some threads and gather the
important information if I have to open the entire message, analyse it
to finally find the actual two lines of information that is buried in
the middle of an 100 line quote.

Is it to much to ask for nice and polite quoting? If so and everybody
starts killing me now I will never bring this topic up again... :-)


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