Sophos:SAVI 'main body of virus data is out of date'

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Jun 7 11:38:33 IST 2004

At 09:55 07/06/2004, you wrote:
>Hello all...
>I know this is partly my fault, failing to update my Sophos in a timely
>fashion, but just before the weekend, the logs started filling with a
>lot of:
>Jun  7 03:39:51 postbox MailScanner[26029]: SophosSAVI::ERROR:: The main
>body of virus data is out of date (542):: ./68C7315613C/msg-26029-3.txt
>Jun  7 03:39:51 postbox MailScanner[26029]: SophosSAVI::ERROR:: The main
>body of virus data is out of date (542):: ./68C7315613C/msg-26029-4.html
>Jun  7 03:39:51 postbox MailScanner[26029]: SophosSAVI::ERROR:: The main
>body of virus data is out of date (542):: ./68C7315613C/msg-26029-5.txt
>Jun  7 03:39:51 postbox MailScanner[26029]: SophosSAVI::ERROR:: The main
>body of virus data is out of date (542):: ./68C7315613C/msg-26029-6.html
>Jun  7 03:39:51 postbox MailScanner[26029]: Virus Scanning: SophosSAVI
>found 4 infections
>Just in the interests of damage limitation, is MailScanner rejecting the
>message (and contents) as a result of this error, or is it just

It shouldn't be rejecting the messages just squealing about the warning.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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