Thoughts on new Bayes idea

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki rzewnickie at RFA.ORG
Fri Jun 4 17:01:59 IST 2004

attached is another script I use for managing the archive. Possibly
simpler than expiring from an mbox. Then again, maybe not. This one
works, though.

-Eric Rz.

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 11:56:38AM -0400, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> NOTE: don't use the attached script! it has problems, I'm just sending
> to the list to give some ideas to the OP and hopefully get some
> suggestions for improvement.
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 04:22:57PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> > At 16:21 04/06/2004, you wrote:
> > >On Freitag, 4. Juni 2004 5:08 Max Kipness wrote:
> > >
> > >> My idea is to basically archive every email that enters the system
> > >> (through MS) for a period of a day or so. I've got a script that
> > >> deletes all emails older than a time specified from an mbox file.
> > >> Then using my script from above, have users forward the email to
> > >> spam at <mailto:spam at> , have a new script
> > >> fetch that email out of the archive and feed it to Bayes.
> > >
> > >I like it. Please share the scripts once you are ready. The only
> > >remaining problem would be that archiving mails in this manner might not
> > >be allowed by local law. But that is another story...
> >
> > When Outlook forwards a message, what happens to the Message-ID? If it
> > screws that, you may have trouble finding a unique key for the messsage,
> > with the result that you can't find it in your archive.
> I'm doing basically what Max is talking about now. I have a script that
> pulls the Subject line out of the forwarded mail and uses that to create
> a procmail recipe for each subject. Then procmail is called via formail
> to pull matching mails out of the archive.
> I'll attach it, but, I don't recommend using it as is. It has some
> problems that I haven't had time to fix. If a reported spam has a blank
> subject the procmail recipe basically matches everything, which is bad.
> If there happens to be a spam that has the same subject as some
> legitimate email the legitimate mail gets pulled out of the archive as
> well. Spam with the same subject sent to users other than the
> reporting user also gets pulled (this bit is generally beneficial).

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