MTA preferences for use with MailScanner

Mariano Absatz at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 29 15:49:46 IST 2004

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 16:22:50 +0200, Peter Peters
<p.g.m.peters at> wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:01:46 -0300, you wrote:
> >how to expand an alias
> So if after expanding an alias their is no (local) user attached he will
> still accept the message. Unlike sendmail which wouldn't accept the
> message and just generates a 5xx.
n principle, yes... it is a compromise.

ZMailer, at least, lets you balance this compromise by optionally
allowing you to run the router syncronously from the smtp server,
which, obviously, adds to the memory footprint of the smtp server, but
the choice is yours... in fact, you can run another process of your
choice that follows a very simple smtpsever/router protocol and that
could be much smaller than the router (we usually do this for user
verification against a BerkeleyDB or LDAP or whatever, it is allways
much smaller that zmailer's router... but it is an additional
process.. you see, it's always a compromise).

Mariano Absatz - El Baby
el (dot) baby (AT) gmail (dot) com
el (punto) baby (ARROBA:@) gmail (punto) com

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