MTA preferences for use with MailScanner

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Thu Jul 29 14:59:46 IST 2004


> | I don't like Sendmail very much, it's a memory hog if you get lots of
> | simultaneous connections (but it's really fast when you don't).

> Could you (maybe off list) tell me how you came to that conclusion? I am
> curious, because we do lots of high volume sendmail installs and with
> recent releases we cannot really relate to the issue you describe. I
> would be very interested in exchanging your experiences and integrating
> them into my knowlegde portfolio :)

We have a mixed setup currently, and the Exim boxes indeed do perform a
lot better then the sendmail ones, with about the same processing load
(number of messages).

Sendmail doesnt do bad, but Exim just does a little better. I was also
used to run zmail, since i previously worked for Sonera, they made
zmailer, so we run it on our production boxes a long time. But zmailer is
indeed not really simple to maintain...


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