bypass password

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Jul 28 01:51:28 IST 2004

At 23:27 27/07/2004, you wrote:
>Steffan Vigano wrote:
>>wondering if there is a way to create a custom ruleset that would allow
>>for a 'bypass password' in the subject that would bypass
>>filename/filetype/spam checks, etc,  if this specific word was found....
>>similar in theory to the old Procmail 'bypass password' setting.
>Pretty darned good idea - would be great if was something you change at
>will, or you have one for various settings, eg to bypass spam or to
>bypadss virus checks as well - but a different key for each check?

You can make it bypass SpamAssassin checks by simply creating a rule with a
large negative score.
I would be very wary of bypassing anything else by use of a "secret" as
inevitably it will leak out to someone you didn't want it to.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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