Postfix issues

Tue Jul 27 23:26:06 IST 2004

>Which versions of Postfix, SA & MS are you running? There was an issue
>with Postfix 2.1.x and an older MS version corrupting Postfix files (In
>fact I seem to remember the final fix was in the last Beta release. I
>don't know if JP has committed the latest beta to the ports tree yet).

MS 4.29-7
SA 2.63
Clam .74
Postfix 2.0.19

I dont know what happened, it was dead weird, the tmp was filled %100
with sa.43535 and index files so i deleted them all and restarted the
machine, but it still took ages to process that tiny amount of mail, but
i was called away, when i got back a couple of hours later it was all
cleared...i think the corruption bit started after the tmp was filled?

I havent changed the MS, SA or Postfix versions since i built the
machine originally. Anyway seemed to have recovered and is carrying on
normally now.


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