MailScanner issue not detecting MyDoom-0 [Re: nested .zip containing bad files not being caught]

Mike Brudenell pmb1 at YORK.AC.UK
Tue Jul 27 10:04:52 IST 2004

Greetings -

--On Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:20 am +0100 Julian Field
<mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK> wrote:

> The problem isn't quite as you have been describing it, but it causes the
> symptom you are seeing.
> Attached is a new Sorry I haven't got a patch but this is at
> short notice and I can't get my VPN connection to stay up for more than 2
> minutes at a time through this hotel's network.

What is the earliest version of MailScanner this revised file
will work with?

In particular can it be used with 4.29.3, or must I upgrade?
And if so to what? The latest stable version? The latest unstable version?


Mike B-)

The Computing Service, University of York, Heslington, York Yo10 5DD, UK
Tel:+44-1904-433811  FAX:+44-1904-433740

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