Released beta version 4.32.3

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Jul 22 18:14:53 IST 2004

I assume from the almost complete silence that this release is okay.
I'm away at OSCON in Portland, Oregon (which someone tells me is in the
mid-west of the USA) next week, so my ability to do much may be hampered.
I'll pay for whatever net access I can get.

This release probably won't change much before the next formal release
around 1st August.

And many thanks to the UKUUG and the University of Southampton for funding
my trip to OSCON!

At 10:07 22/07/2004, you wrote:
>I have just released a new beta version containing the tweaks and new
>features that I have written over the past month or so.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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