Feature request

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Jul 22 14:45:29 IST 2004

At 14:21 22/07/2004, you wrote:
>Julian Field wrote:
>>At 00:58 22/07/2004, you wrote:
>>>It's quite often asked on the list what version they are running, most
>>>expect a -v/-V/--version option. And it would actually be very
>>>interesting for MS to output the version of the modules it uses since
>>>that may not be the ones I think it uses (I have two versions of Perl
>>Done. Anything like -v or -V or --version or pretty much any variation on
>>the theme will make MailScanner print out its version number and the
>>version of each of the modules used by MailScanner. Here's a sample of the
>Thanks Julian!
>Not only is it informative but it can also be used for debugging. Most
>people will also find it natural to try one of those before posting on
>the list and getting the "check the logs" answer.

Perhaps Ugo might want to add this to the MAQ to get people to run it
before posting.

Note it will only print a version number if the module is installed, it
will skip it if no version number was reported. It was either do it this
way, or print a "missing" report for every module that is not present, even
if it isn't actually being used by this particular user (the SAVI and
ClamAV modules come to mind). I don't want to scare people into thinking
they have to install all sorts of other modules that they aren't even using.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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