Several messages in the incoming queue are not being sent

"Diego M. López" diego.lopez at EQTEK.NET
Fri Jul 16 01:31:08 IST 2004


Please read

> What do the following commands commands give:
>    ksh print "qf - \c" && ls -l /var/spool/* | wc -l

Argument list too long

>    ksh print "df - \c" && ls -l /var/spool/* | wc -l

Argument list too long

>    ksh print "other files:" && ls -l /var/spool/ | grep -v
> ^[qd]f

I can see with mc (midnight commander) that the qf''s are distinct in
number compared to the df 's. Meanwhile qf's are ~80000, the df's are a
few thousands less.

I also noticed that the dates of most of the files are weird
'2023-07-14', and yes, the system/hardware time are fine and in synch.


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