Virusscanners on Ramdisk

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Jul 14 12:37:29 IST 2004

At 11:32 14/07/2004, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Is it a good idea to install the commandline scanners like f-prot and
>pandaav on a ramdisk?


>   When the mailscanner server is rebooted the
>necessary files are copied to the ramdisk.  And the viruswrapper files are
>changed accordingly.
>Will this actually give performance boost ?


>Is this stable mission critical applications?

No point, due to above.

>Can this be trusted on high-end hardware (ecc memory) ?
>Does anyone have any experience with this in a production environment?

You want to put /tmp and /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming on tmpfs (which is
rather like a ramdisk but grows and shrinks as necessary automatically, so
you don't waste RAM you aren't actually using)
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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