custom function

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Jul 12 09:01:25 IST 2004

At 21:33 11/07/2004, you wrote:
>         So then I started looking into writing a CustomFunction
>         /opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/ is
>         the files that came with MailScanner and put my code in there.
>         This is my code:
>         sub InternalForward {
>           my($fromac, $fromdomain, $todomain, $return);
>           my($message) = @_;
>           $fromac = lc($message->{from});
>           $fromdomain = $fromac;
>           $fromac =~ s/\@.*$//;   # Leave everything before @
>           $fromdomain =~ s/^.*\@//; # Leave everything after  @
>           $return = "forward ".$fromac."-spam".$fromdomain;
>           MailScanner::Log::InfoLog($return);
>           return $return;
>         }
>I copied a bunch of it from some other file I was reading to figure out
>how to code it. Mailscanner starts up perfectly fine :) but then when I
>send some spam mail to the address (yes I have some saved spam mail for
>testing :) , actually a few thousand :) ) it goes to the inbox and not the
>spam folder.

You need to
1) Add a sub InitInternalForward (it doesn't need to do anything, just exist).
2) Add a sub EndInternalForward
3) Set "Spam Actions = &InternalForward" so that your code is called.

If you code is being executed, the output of InfoLog will be your syslog,
whatever program you use to provide that service (I have never used metalog).
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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