Exempt certain users from file blocking

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Fri Jul 9 13:34:50 IST 2004

Denis Beauchemin wrote:
> Jason Balicki wrote:
>> /me wishes plain-text could at least bold.
> Jason,
> In Mozilla Thunderbird, text surrounded by * (such as *bold*) is
> displayed in bold; same thing with /text/ (italics) and _text_
> (underlined).
> Any other MUA that does this?

Outlook 2002 doesn't .

> If this is sort of standard we could ask Julian to modify the list footer.

But I think it would be nice to have the acronym for the MAQ in the
footer, since some people could be replied with "read the MAQ, and in
the footer it is written "the Most Asked Questions"...

> Denis

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