Anyone running big SPARC boxes?

William Burns William.Burns at AEROFLEX.COM
Thu Jul 8 13:38:12 IST 2004


Have you tried the V20z?
Does it run w/ Solaris now/already?

What about the two versions of the B100x?
Is the $1000 price difference really for an additional 1GB of RAM, or
are there other differences?


Martin Hepworth wrote:

> Julian
> I know others have said this, but personally I'd look at either multiple
> V20z's or put Sun Fire B100x's in a blade chasis. This will of course
> get you redunancy - esp nice with the blade chasis as you can configure
> from tha blader server provisioning software running on V120, so swap
> outs/ additional kit is easy to configure/load and of course expand!
> Alot of the MS's work is CPU bound (and memory) as you know esp for SA,
> so faster processors is better than more I/O esp with an O/S like
> Solaris that is heavily I/O tuned anyway.
> Unless of course the client has  big SUN lying around doing very
> little :-)
> Just my thoughts.

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