Anyone running big SPARC boxes?

Bill Bradford mrbill at MRBILL.NET
Wed Jul 7 20:28:08 IST 2004

On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 06:13:04PM +0100, Julian Field wrote:
> Is anyone running MailScanner with a virus scanner and SpamAssassin on 2 or
> 4-way (or bigger) modern SPARC systems?
> If so, what is your hardware configuration and how many messages per day
> can you process at full blast?

I'll be installing MailScanner / ClamAV (replacing amavis) on top of my
postfix configuraiton in a day or so.  After that, I can give you
benchmarks for a E420R (quad 450Mhz/4M CPUs, 4G RAM).


bill bradford
austin texas

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