Virus (encrypted files)

Dustin Baer dustin.baer at IHS.COM
Wed Jul 7 18:59:48 IST 2004

xcelent wrote:

>Hello all,
>I am having a strange problem while scanning virus files using f-prot (ver 3.12),  Mailscanner(ver 4.11-1)  log files generates this message.
>Jul  7 22:53:04 MailScanner[15193]: /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/15193/i67Gr1PY015241/>liiqy.scr  Not scanned (encrypted)
>Can I stop this virus with the help of  filename.riles.conf
>any help ???

Encrypted messages can be blocked with the current version of
MailScanner with the "Block Encrypted Messages" option in MailScanner.conf.

As for blocking with 4.11-1, you can add a deny line for ""
for that specific attachment.  Doesn't do much good for any of the other
encrypted zips, though.


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