Performance problems...

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Fri Jan 30 20:31:12 GMT 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 19:49, Eric J Merkel wrote:
> I've tried turning off all virus notifications and tweaked the
> mailscanner.conf to process messages both in batch and in queue. While in
> batch mode, I also tried changing the number of messages in the batch to
> process at any one time but it doesn't seem like mailscanner can keep up
> with the number of incoming messages passing thru the system. I've also
> lowered sendmail's logging level to 0, turned off fsync on /var/log/maillog.
> I tried splitting the directory into multiple directories but
> couldn't get sendmail to drop the files into directories under
> Yes I did change the sendmail startup command to change the incoming queue
> directory to* and also in mailscanner.conf. So at last, I am
> wondering what else I can try to improve the throughput of the system?

If you have not done so already try putting the MailScanner work
directory (/var/spool/mailscanner/incoming) in tmpfs  (assuming memory
isn't the issue of course).  I presume you are not using SpamAssassin?

I'd guess you are getting a lot of MyDoom related emails?  One problem
this causes is messages to accounts that don't exist.  If you have
MailScanner set to still deliver disinfected / cleaned messages then the
bounces from these may cause extra load on your server.

There were some useful sendmail rules (both subject and recipient)
posted to the list which can help to block MyDoom.

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