Performance Tuning and RAID

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Jan 27 18:23:17 GMT 2004

Make sure your syslog.conf entry have a - before the log filename. It will
stop it fsync()ing after every log write. This can help quite a lot.

At 18:06 27/01/2004, you wrote:
> >have you checked the amount of logging you are doing? >ie is maillog
> >slowing you down? Also are the apache log files busy?
>I think this is the major bottleneck - Disk writes,
>thus the reason for RAID 10 (I can't reduce the amount of logging for
>MailScanner config:
>Log Spam = yes
>Log Permitted Filenames = no
>Log Permitted Filetypes = no
>Always Looked Up Last = no
>Detailed Spam Report = yes
>Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
> >also you don't mention what version of everything you >are running..
>SA 2.63
>Jan version of Sophos (no SAVI, good idea though might try)
>clamscan / ClamAV version 0.65
> >are you running the savi verion of sophos and what (if >any) RBL's are
> >you using in SA or MS?
>RBL in MS - Spamcop, Spamhaus, CBL (with NSCD)

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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