Mailscanner getting bypassed and Sendmail still delivering mail.
Jim VanEtten
Sat Jan 24 02:43:55 GMT 2004
I have disabled the sendmail automatic startup and I let mailscanner
start it up on it's own as per the instructions.
service sendmail stop
chkconfig sendmail off
chkconfig --level 2345 MailScanner on
service MailScanner start
MailScanner does kick off 2 instances of sendmail just like it does in
my successfull installations. There are no errors in my maillog or
messages log.
Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions wrote:
>Have you turned off sendmail as per the instructions in the installation?
>If you run:
>tail -f /var/log/maillog
>after doing:
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/MailScanner restart
>Do you see any errors?
>I suspect that you may have sendmail running as well as MailScanner
>Mr. Michele Neylon
>Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd
>Tel. + 353 (0)59 9137101
>Lowest price domains in Ireland
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
>>Behalf Of Jim VanEtten
>>Sent: 24 January 2004 00:50
>>Subject: Mailscanner getting bypassed and Sendmail still delivering
>>Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 2.1 (Panama)
>>Perl version 5.6.1 built for i386-linux
>>MailScanner version 4.25-14
>>SpamAssassin version : None yet
>>New RPM install
>>Step 1: I have tested sendmail and it works
>>Step 2: I installed Mailscanner and started it up. There are no errors
>>in the log file. Email still gets delivered via sendmail as if
>>Mailscanner was not there. There are no header files for MailScanner.
>>I have installed Mailscanner successfully on Fedora core 1 and Redhat
>>7.0 with no problems. Can someone help me out with what I could be doing
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