Your MailScanner stats

Håkon Eriksen hakon.eriksen at USIT.UIO.NO
Fri Jan 23 11:40:23 GMT 2004

> Hi!
> > > You should be able to process at least 2 or three times this total
> > > load in one single box as you describe above...
> > Any tips for optimizing?
> >
> > I have /var on separate disks (actually they are separate
> > RAID1-sets), and /var/MailScanner/incoming on tmpfs. The only RBL I
> > use is ORDB, and that is through Exim, not MS. It seems that
> > MailScanner is the most CPU-hungry process, and I can't really
> > imagine Exim eating that much resources.
> Did you disable the per message logs within Exim? I have put online
> some stuff in the FAQ about that.


> You could mount the disk with noatime to save diso io.

I tried that on a different setup, but it didn't seem to make much of a
difference. Perhaps I'll try it again and see how it works out.
> Do you use remote syslogging ?

Exim-logs go both on disk and to a remote server, MS logs go just to

 Håkon Eriksen <hakon.eriksen at>
 Gruppe for drift av grunntjenester (GT), SAPP, USIT

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