Logging scores of non-spam (patch)

Håkon Eriksen hakon.eriksen at USIT.UIO.NO
Fri Jan 23 08:49:19 GMT 2004

> For my site, I thought it could be interesting to know the scores of
> mail getting through MailScanner/SpamAssassin without having to
> archive all the messages, to get an idea of how close messages were
> getting to the threshhold.  The following two patches (against
> MailScanner 4.25-14) add a "Log Non Spam" option that works just like
> the "Log Spam" option. Hopefully someone else will also find this data
> useful.

Yes, I find it useful. Thank you.

Julian, is there any chance of this making it in to the main

 Håkon Eriksen <hakon.eriksen at usit.uio.no>
 Gruppe for drift av grunntjenester (GT), SAPP, USIT

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