Sa-learn and MailScanner Subject Modification
Julian Field
mailscanner at
Tue Jan 20 18:26:25 GMT 2004
If you use a script to auto-learn a mailbox at one go (I have published
mine here several times), then you could easily use sed to remove the
subject tag before feeding the file to sa-learn.
At 18:19 20/01/2004, you wrote:
>Is there a simple way to ignore the spam tag in the subject header when
>manually learning spam? Or does it matter?
>I know that SpamAssassin ignores it's own markup and I'm familiar with
>using the bayes_ignore_header directives for the MailScanner headers,
>but am curious what to do about the spam subject modification. I suppose
>I could reconfigure MailScanner to leave the the subject alone, but I
>prefer not to do this if possible. Any ideas or workarounds?
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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