Automatic download of extra SA rule sets

Stephen Swaney steve.swaney at FSL.COM
Mon Jan 19 15:25:07 GMT 2004

Chris Thielen has written a VERY complete and well thought out script to
download the most commonly used SA rules files and posted a link to his
script on the SA mail list:

I have tested this script and it required only minor configuration changes
to work with MailScanner. It would also be very easy to extend the script to
get additional Rule Sets.

A couple of caveats:

1. Test first with the Debug flag set.
2. my /etc/mail/spamassassin/ was very old (and not needed). This
kept spamassassin --lint from running with out errors. I removed the file
and all was well.

3. Saving the file from a web browser created some problems, run:


to get the file.

Stephen Swaney
Fortress Systems Ltd.
Steve.Swaney at

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