deferred transport - PLEASE HELP

Jacques Caruso jacques at MONACO.NET
Tue Jan 6 16:41:04 GMT 2004

Le Mardi 06 Janvier 2004 17:24, Alexander Endl a écrit :
> How and where this works???

man virtual(5)...

Basically, if you've put virtual aliases in /etc/postfix/virtual, like
this :

somedomain.example              foobar
someone at somedomain.example      someone

you shouldn't list somedomain.example in $mydestination anymore. This
parameter is only for domains where all the local users are valid. But
this is OT on this list...

> This is O.K. in my /etc/postfix/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, fine. I was just pointing that because I saw an error in your log
extract. If it has been corrected since, all is well...

> IF I DO THIS - The Result is:
> creative:/etc/ # ps aux | grep 'postfix/master'
> root       548  0.0  0.5  4444 1444 ?        S    16:550:00 /usr/lib/postfix/master

OK. That means one of the two Postfixes is missing (and I suspect it's
the outgoing one, of course).

> I TRY postfix -c /etc/ start
> creative:/etc/ # postfix -c /etc/ start
> postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail system is already running

OK. Then, have you tried to start the other Postfix ? (with '-c
/etc/postfix') ? Does it start ?

[ Jacques Caruso <jacques at>                  Développeur PHP ]
[ Monaco Internet                  ]
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