Interview, Thanks, New Year & Logging HTML Exploits

Richard Alloway ralloway at WINBEAM.COM
Fri Jan 2 17:03:29 GMT 2004

Hello everyone!

Great interview, Julian!  I enjoyed reading it!

Thanks for providing and supporting MailScanner!!!!

Happy New Year to all!!!

Now, on to my issue (most of us have one *grin*):

I have a customer complaining about his mailing lists from Staples Stores,
CNET, etc being converted to plain text.

Upon checking the logs, I see that HTML-specific exploits were detected in
the message and the message was converted to plain text.

Is there any way to log what the exploit was so I can create a ruleset for
these mailing lists if the detected exploit is not malicious?

Or is there a better way to go about allowing these mailing lists?



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