Performance and accuracy issues

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Feb 13 16:08:56 GMT 2004

At 16:04 13/02/2004, you wrote:
>Michael Dahlberg wrote:
>>Fanatastic piece of software...I can't imagine running a mail server
>>without it.  However, the latest upgrade (from 4.13-3 to 4.26.8) has
>>uncovered a few issues.
>>A little about our config: MailScanner (4.26.8) runs with Sophos
>>(3.78d) on a dual processor Sun 220R with 2GB RAM. The
>>MailScanner.conf file is set to start 10 child processes which will
>>scan a max of 30 messages.  MailScanner also runs in queue mode rather
>>than batch.  We do no spam analysis, just virus scanning.  I've also
>>installed the first perl mod that Julian Fields released a
>>couple of days ago.
>>I've noticed that when running the SAVI engine (Virus Scanner =
>>sophossavi), rather than `sweep` (Virus Scanner = sophos) it
>>takes about 3x as long with the SAVI engine (approx. 3 min to scan 100
>>messages using SAVI versus 1 min with sweep).  Also when I use the
>>SAVI engine, more MyDoom-infected email messages are found and
>>Is this the experience of other readers of this list?  Does anyone
>>have an explanation or advice on which virus scanner (Sophos or SAVI)
>>to use?
>>Michael Dahlberg
>>Systems Integrator
>>Bucknell University
>the Savi engine 'should' be quicker as it doesn't need to fork a process.
>I'd check the Savi install and make sure you've got all the required
>Perl modules.
>It's also worth checking the archives to see which is 'quicker' queue or
>batch. I've got mine set to batch as the default, so maybe the batch
>mode is better..???

There is no very good reason to run in "queue" mode rather than "batch". It
will just delay your mail. The only use for "queue" is when debugging so
that you can lift messages out of mqueue. I might integrate the "queue"
functionality into the "Debug" option at some point, and remove the "queue"
option altogether.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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