Patches missing?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Feb 13 09:43:50 GMT 2004

At 09:26 13/02/2004, you wrote:
>Hi Julian,
>I am currently updating the FreeBSD ports and have two questions:
>1. The MIME patch you posted here is not yet part of the 4.26.8-1
>tarball is it?

No, it is in 4.27.

>2. The attached exim patch (posted earlier) is also not applied in that

Also in 4.27.

>How about the current unstable?

They are in there.

>I adjusted the port so that both patches are applied automatically. Is
>that ok with you?

Won't be necessary once 4.27 is produced. But if you want to support them
in BSD 4.26 then that's fine with me.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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