ANNOUNCE: Beta 4.27.2 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Feb 12 18:07:54 GMT 2004

The only change of any importance is that I have made is an improvement to
the MIME decoder, making it considerably more robust and aggressive at

I wouldn't normally release a version for a single change like this, but
several people have contacted me requesting patches to get this
improvement. So I thought the simplest solution was to publish it
completely. If you want to just patch your existing installation and not
replace it, then the file containing the changes is You will
need to diff your old file against this new one and patch your current code
by hand, but I can't really produce a separate patch for every version
currently in use.

Download as usual from

The full Change Log is linked from the home page of the website.

Let me know what you think.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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