Fix -- Re: Mydoom Virus getting Through

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Feb 12 09:58:28 GMT 2004

At 09:40 12/02/2004, you wrote:
>Julian Field wrote:
>>I have hopefully managed to make the MIME parser a lot more robust. It
>>certainly appears to solve the current problem. If you are running a nice
>>recent version, backup your old and replace it with this one.
>>Then please test it against the copies of MyDoom that are getting through.
>>The result of a fine evening spent wading through MIME-tools code and
>>deciding that it can't rewind :-(
>>Let me know how it goes.
>what versions of MS will this work against? I've got 4.24.-4. Will I
>need to upgrade?

If you try the patch I just posted instead of the complete replacement
file, it should be compatible with more versions. Save your old
just in case. If the patch applies successfully then you should be fine.

If you have trouble, mail me off list and I will send you a patch to apply
specifically to 4.24-4.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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