Port / NetBIOS

Steve Douglas steve.douglas at SBIINCORPORATED.COM
Wed Feb 11 20:07:36 GMT 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: DNSAdmin [mailto:dnsadmin at 1BIGTHINK.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: Port / NetBIOS

At 01:01 PM 2/11/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>I am set up with RH9, SA 2.61, MS December release, 1.5 GB of RAM, 80 GB
>duplexed drives.  The MS system is forwards from the DMZ through the
>firewall to my internal Exchange 5.5 file server.
>My firewall logs are filled by the megatons with errors showing the
>email server attempting to send NetBios calls (port 137) to the DMZ MS
>gateway.  I guess this is normal considering the exchange system is trying
>to do its job (as far as Microsoft is concerned) in identifying the system
>that is passing it all this email.
>My firewall has this port blocked for obvious reasons.  Is this normal and
>is there anything that I should do further to shut the exchange server up
>just live with it?

SMB protocol is chatty. It loves to announce itself to the world! As has
been duly noted, unless you want to 'format  C:' and install Linux or UNIX,
you will have to live with it.

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